Remote astrophoto

Observatoire François-Xavier Bagnoud (OFXB) is leading a remote hosting facility that provides astrophotographers with an exceptional opportunity to capture stunning images of the night sky. Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, at an altitude of 2200m, the observatory boasts some of the clearest and most pristine skies in Europe, making it an ideal location for remote astrophotography.

The OFXB facility is equipped with state-of-the-art telescopes, cameras, and filters that are designed to provide the highest quality imaging results. The facility is staffed by experienced professionals who can assist with the setup and operation of equipment, ensuring that even novice astrophotographers can achieve stunning results.

Available setup

T500 mm f3.3 Astrographe

Technical specifications :

  • Paramount MEII Mount

  • T500 f3.3 Astrograph telescope with primary focus camera

  • ASA Wynne 4" corrector with 1x coefficient

  • LRVB HaOIII Baader filters in 50mm, not mounted

  • Zwo 7x50mm filter wheel

  • Camera: ASI 2600MM

  • Zwo OAG-L optical splitter

  • Zwo ASI 174MM mini guiding camera

  • Camera cooling: -20°C

  • Gain for shooting: between 75 and 139

  • Software : SkyX Pro

Would you like to be part of our Beta Testing Program ? Contact us now by filling the form hereafter !

Example of image taken using this setup and illustrations by José Rogrigues :

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